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RRMac Associates is a highly recognized provider of software, solutions, and services for companies of all sizes around the world for their business-critical applications on the IBM Z enterprise platform. RRMac’s expertise lies in integrating with and/or migrating from legacy SCM products to cross platform distributed tools such as Git, GitHub, and GitLab, thus enabling companies to meet the demands of a changing workforce without losing data integrity and security.

RRMac Associates has been involved with the DevOPs revolution since its inception and was one of the IBM partner companies chosen to participate in the original Engineering Workflow Management (RTC) and DBB beta programs, which helped modernize application development on the IBM Z platform. Our extensive expertise in implementations, conversions, and customizations has yielded a proven track record in assisting customers with their conversions and integrations with cross platform, distributed tools such as Git, Jenkins, Jira, IBM IDz, IBM DBB, IBM Engineering Workflow Management (RTC), IBM Urban Code Deploy (UCD) and IBM Urban Code Release. With our wealth of DevOPs knowledge, as well as decades of development and integration experience, RRMac can transform your SCM challenges into the most productive opportunities imaginable.

If you are new to IBM Z technology, or simply seeking support, QTL by RRMac Associates is an enterprise automation and productivity tool that executes on z/OS. It saves a significant amount of time in ISPF by delivering a favorites list of actions that eliminates keystrokes and gives a common interface that points directly to system resources, commands, software products, and tasks. It is easy to install, use, and drastically reduces the time it takes to on-board new hires and consultants. QTL operates as a dashboard and all users have access to their own private QTL tables. For more information on leveraging QTL to reduce upgrade or migration time, reduce training and onboarding costs, increase ROI, or just take advantage of the full power of IBM Z, click HERE.

Company and product names are used for reference only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

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